Should My Patient Get A Screening Colonoscopy?

See personalized risk and benefit estimates for colonoscopy screening.

Compare the deaths or cases of colorectal cancer that are prevented to the number of complications

Serious gastrointestinal events: perforation, gastrointestinal bleeding, or the administration of blood transfusions
Other gastrointestinal events: paralytic ileus, nausea, vomiting and dehydration, abdominal pain

This graph above shows data for a ,
whose most recent colonoscopy was ,
has , and has a background cancer risk of

Moderate comorbidities include history of peptic ulcer disease, rheumatologic disease, peripheral vascular disease, diabetes, paralysis, cerebrovascular disease, or acute myocardial infarction

Severe comorbidities include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, moderate or severe liver disease, chronic renal failure, dementia, cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis, or AIDS

Adjust these individual characteristics to see personalized estimates.

Events per 1000 screenings Your patient Low Benefit patient High Benefit patient Guideline patient
Cases Prevented
Deaths Prevented
Cardiovascular Complications:
Serious GI Complications:
Other GI complications:

The table above shows data for a year old ,
whose most recent colonoscopy was ,
has , and has a background cancer risk of .

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